Mahanagar Gas Limited (MGL) has always been alert to avoid any untoward incidence during the Diwali Festival. For the safety of MGL's Gas pipelines, service regulators, district regulators and the safety of the general public, the vigil during the festival is increased. Besides, the regular patrolling by patrol men on Motor bikes around the city, the senior officials of MGL are also stationed in the control rooms during the festival. This year too, MGL’s team including the zonal incharge and district incharge will be on vigil round the clock during the festival.
In addition to this, for creating an awareness among the public to avoid bursting of crackers near MGL's Gas Pipelines and Service Regulators, special messages are released through press advertisements, radio and TV.
It is appealed to the public to ensure a Happy and Safe Diwali. In case of any emergency regarding MGL Gas pipelines & other gas installations , they may call MGL emergency service on 1800 22 99 44 or 2401 2400.