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Mahanagar Gas


Car Care

CNG Car Maintenance

The following precautions are to be followed during servicing and repairing of CNG vehicles which is advisable to do after every 6 months for better performance and mileage of the vehicle.

  • In case of vehicles undergoing repairs involving welding, or heat application to any part (within 1.5 m) of the cylinder, the cylinder should be emptied first.
  • In case of leakage in fuel system, vehicles shall not be parked within 6 m of any source of ignition or fire.

Do’s and Don’ts!

Always refer to the supplier’s kit manual for the trouble-shooting guide. Do not do it yourself.

Do not install a LPG, Propane or any other cylinder in place of a CNG cylinder. It is illegal and unsafe.

For emergency handling of any CNG leak, users must be aware of the location and operation of cylinder valve, master shut-off valve and burst disc in the CNG system. Study the system and ask your mechanic to identify these parts for you.

Retrofitter doing the kit fitment should be able to demonstrate these operations to your satisfaction. It is advisable to operate the vehicle occasionally on petrol to ensure that the petrol system remains in good working conditions.

Do not install a LPG, Propane or any other cylinder in place of a CNG cylinder. It is illegal and unsafe.

Other Precautions For Your Vehicle:

  • The CNG kit installed in the vehicle should be insured along with vehicle accessories. The motorist should notify the insurance company to provide insurance on the CNG system, for which additional premium may be charged by the insurance company. Motorists should take the insurance cover for the additional CNG kit system.
  • As per present Government regulation the pollution checks and a pollution certificate is mandatory even after converting the vehicle on CNG.
  • A pressurized gas cylinder is probably the strongest component on the vehicle. Vehicles that were totally destroyed in collisions show the only discernible component being the intact gas cylinder. It is unlikely that cylinders will rupture due to collision impact.
  • Regarding the danger of fire from leaking cylinders, all we have is the experience to date that indicates that such an event is unlikely to occur. The risk of fire from leaking cylinders must be low since there are well over 03 million CNG vehicles worldwide that have not experienced such problems.
  • Natural Gas is lighter than air and in the unlikely event of a leak from piping or container the gas will dissipate upwards quite quickly. In case of petrol and LPG, the vapour given off is heavier than air and will tend to pool near the ground.