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Mahanagar Gas

HomeCustomer ZoneCustomer CarePNG

DPNG connections beyond 90 days


MGL has reached over 11.5 lakh households with Domestic Piped Natural Gas (DPNG). We thank our existing and potential customers for placing their trust in MGL. We always endeavor to provide PNG connection to all the registered customers within the stipulated time. However, in spite of our best efforts, providing PNG connection is at times delayed due to reasons beyond the company’s control.

The list of customers pending for DPNG connection beyond 90 days has been webhosted. Kindly click here to know about the tentative schedule for providing the pending PNG connection against each Form No.

We shall endeavor to expedite the work for all such pending cases as per the tentative schedule. However, in case you wish to seek a refund, kindly send us your refund request at, quoting applicant’s BP No. / Form No. and Name.

We regret the inconvenience to you in this regard.

Team MGL